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[스크랩] 3월의 꽃 수선화에게 - Secret Love - Anne Murray

희라킴 2017. 3. 24. 19:32


Anne Murray

Anne Murray has her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in LA and on Canada's

Walk of Fame in Toronto. "Secret Love" is included in her 1993 CD album "Croonin' "


Secret Love -


Once I had a secret love
That lived within the heart of me
All too soon my secret love
Became impatient to be free

So I told a friendly star
The way that dreamers often do
Just how wonderful you are
And why I'm so in love with you

Now I shout it from the highest hills

      Even told the golden daffodils      

And now my heart's an open door
And my secret love is no secret anymore

Now I shout it from the highest hills
Even told the golden daffodils
And now my heart's an open door
And my secret love is no secret anymore


←←Press to replay.
BGM:Secret Love - Anne Murray

       The Haunting Memory In Mind.      
Life Is chinchin by Inch,...

star..daffodils..they are happy to hear the secret love.. even a secret...trembling for its beauty...even heartbreaking....
listen n listen....on n on ......trembling...20120109/11:46 - sujio -


출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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